About Deb


More than anything else I’m passionate.  Passionate about helping others because I’ve gone on a journey from hopeless to Fearless and along the way found an inner strength that can conquer anything.

But for me, it’s not about the journey, it’s about the Jump!

You know that “standing at the edge” feeling where you can’t quite make a decision to move forward or stay still? You know exactly what you want to do, but then you think “someday I will” and you go about living as you always have. You talk about it all the time. You know what you want. You’ve thought about it all your life and you’ve had those dreams of doing something, going somewhere, making a change, becoming, learning, creating the perfect world for yourself, but you never quite take action. That, my friend, is the Journey. But, deciding and taking action is what makes ALL the difference in life. What I hope and pray for everyone is that you take action… what I call….. the Jump!


What’s my jump? Well….. after 30+ years in the field of special needs I up and quit my Job and went back to school at age 55 and found my Passion. Huge difference right there! I’ve continued to jump ever since.

I am a graduate of the Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage in Rochester, NY and hold certifications from the Center for Aromatherapy Research and Education (CARE) in Emotional Release with Essential Oils, Raindrop Technique, Vitaflex, and Essential Oil Chemistry. 

My love for Massage and therapeutic healing comes from my personal 27 year experience with chronic pain where I was told there was little to no hope of recovery.  That pain led me to a place of discovery about the human body and a realization that it is an Amazing healing machine capable of so much if we just take care of it, have faith and believe.  I found healing through meditation, aromatherapy, massage and prayer.  Today, I am no longer in pain and fulfilling my calling to help others find their peace, strength, hope and balance in their bodies and in their lives.

I love camping, hiking trails, the Fingerlakes, wineries, antiques, flea markets and hanging out with like-minded people. I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction and when I’m not massaging it’s likely I have a book in hand on the subject. I am the mama of two and a grandma to three of The Best grand kiddos in the world and I could not be more blessed.

  ~Be Kind. Be Grateful. Live without Regret. If you make a wrong, make it right again. Be brave enough to Jump!~